October Update

Stacie Eshelman • October 12, 2022

Chamber/Main Street & Devlopment Committees Updates

Economic Vitality

Work continues on the Downtown Revitalization Grant. RFQs were received and reviewed – the architect should begin work this week. Due to the large amount of interest and limited funds through the grant the area was assessed by SICOG and split into three different target areas based on participant interest and need. The west side of the square, including Iowa Street between 1st and west 2nd will be the target area for this grant round.

New welcome packs will be developed for new residents and new businesses. Businesses and community groups will have the opportunity to promote who they are and what they do in these packs. 

We are working with Sunshine Day Care on a community survey, staff and building improvements, as well as grant funding sources. Please consider completing a survey online or pick up a paper copy. The link is available on our page on Facebook. 


We are doing our second capital campaign for the summer flower fund (this is done about every three to five years). Please consider making a contribution toward the flower fund to help pay for the summer flowers and seasonal decorations placed in the planters each year. Any contribution is greatly appreciated! 

The Historic Preservation Commission is finalizing the second interstate sign promoting the Public Square Historic District. 


We are partnering with Tourism to create a brand for Greenfield. We received a Technical Assistance grant through Main Street Iowa to rebrand the community. Thanks to everyone participating the branding charrettes. We really appreciate your input!! 

Spook the Loop and Trunk or Treat will be October 31 from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please let us know if you plan to set up so we can map out participants to ease the traffic flow. 

The Friends of the Sidey Collection are doing a M*A*S*H themed Game Show for all ages and a Kid’s Korean War Tribute the weekend following Veteran’s Day. Ad sponsorship of historic photos will run through Chamber/Main Street as we have done in the past. Sponsorship is $10 per photo and will include your name on the photo as its projected during the events as well as your name printed on the program. You can pick the photo you want to sponsor, or we will pick it for you. Call Linda Sidey at 221-0397 or the office if you have questions.

The theme for the holiday season is going to be “A Glam and Glitzy Christmas”. This includes the Festival of Lights – parade theme and the Auxiliary’s Holiday Tree Tour and Luncheon.


The Pancake Supper went well, and we thank all that volunteered their time to help with the event! 

Please remember that you can submit your events on our website and if approved it will post within a day or two. Business members and community groups are welcome to submit anything that is open to the general public or its members, including meetings, events, open houses, and public programs/speakers.


Holiday plans will be starting soon including Small Business Saturday and other promotions that encourage you to shop local!


The Hotel Motel Tax fund was just over $8,000. These funds are used to promote Greenfield and its attractions while support-ing/promoting heads in beds since that is what generates the fund. This is still down from our average amount but up $2,000 from the year before. Most of this is related to COVID travel and gathering restrictions in place during the allocated funding cycle. 


Community Coffees are booked up for the year. They are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. The next coffee is October 20 at Adair County Health System. 

City Park Markets have ended for the season. Attendance was low again this year so things might be changed next year, specific changes may be the location and going back the Public Square. 

Community Development

An engineering firm has been selected to complete work on the housing development and how to utilize the land, we are current-ly waiting on cost estimates for the service before we proceed. 

Southern Iowa Council of Governments will conduct two Adair County wide meetings to discuss strategies, trends, and community priorities. One meeting will be at 5x80 Golf & Country Club on October 27 at 5:30 PM and the other will be at the Warren Cultural Center on October 31 at 12:00 PM. A meal will be provided free of charge for attendees, but reservation is required by October 21. COGs were created in order to develop consensus regarding community or regional needs and actions to be taken in solving area problems. COGs can assist with planning, coordinating, and overseeing the administration of state and federal programs.

September 6, 2023
So many fun things to do in Greenfield this month!
March 11, 2022
Please help us collect data on a Housing Survey to complete a housing needs assessment for our community. Greenfield Community Development is working on a Housing Study with the Southern Iowa Council of Governments. We need input from the community about housing in Greenfield. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey so that we have adequate data to complete a comprehensive study. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/greenfieldhousingstudy
March 11, 2022
2019 First Quarter Program Update:
March 11, 2022
Spook the Loop & Trunk or Treat has become a wonderful tradition in our community. Thanks to the 54 businesses/organizations/individuals that passed out treats to just over 500 kids. What a great way to make memories with our family and friends!
March 11, 2022
The Historic Preservation Commission worked hard over the past couple of years establishig new design guidelines for the Greenfield Public Square Historic District. These guidelines will be a valuable resource to commercial building owners as well as the Main Street Design Committee and City of Greenfield as they work to maintaine and improve commercial buildings in the community; especially those with historic significance. Please join the commission in a release party to discuss the guidelines and how they can be used as a tool in our community
March 11, 2022
Greenfield Chamber/Main Street & Development applied for and received Market Study and Strategies technical assistance program from Main Street Iowa. Knowing and understanding what’s happening within the local target market helps you capitalize on local strengths as well as develop strategies to overcome challenges small business owners face. Market analysis is an essential tool for identifying those options and for weighing the pros and cons of each choice. Advances in technology and the rapid growth of online shopping and the impact it is having on bricks-and-mortar retail further emphasis the shifting economic landscape, meaning that your districts economy is constantly evolving. The Main Street Iowa Market Study and Strategies Training helps local leaders better understand current conditions and brings together the Main Street Four Points to develop strategies to move the community forward in a more focused approach. This information will help your local team better understand the local market, how to promote the district’s defining assets to support the buy-local experience and identify product and service lines that might provide opportunities for expansion. The local Main Street team will be conducting a series of surveys. The Consumer Survey is for anyone to take that has ever been to Greenfield. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Greenfield_21ConsumerSurvey The Business Survey is only targeted to business owners in the Greenfield community. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/21_Greenfield_Business_OnlineLink
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